The 99 Names of Allah

Asmaa'u Allah Al-Hosna

أسماء الله الحسنى

#ArabicEnglish translation of 99 names of AllahAsmaa'u Allah Al-Hosna
1اللهThe Greatest NameAllah
2الرحمنThe All-CompassionateAr-Rahman
3الرحيمThe All-MercifulAr-Rahim
4الملكThe Absolute RulerAl-Malik
5القدوسThe Pure OneAl-Quddus
6السلامThe Source of PeaceAs-Salam
7المؤمنThe Inspirer of FaithAl-Mu'min
8المهيمنThe GuardianAl-Muhaymin
9العزيزThe VictoriousAl-Aziz
10الجبارThe CompellerAl-Jabbar
11المتكبرThe GreatestAl-Mutakabbir
12الخالقThe CreatorAl-Khaliq
13البارئThe Maker of OrderAl-Bari'
14المصورThe Shaper of BeautyAl-Musawwir
15الغفارThe ForgivingAl-Ghaffar
16القهارThe SubduerAl-Qahhar
17الوهابThe Giver of AllAl-Wahhab
18الرزاقThe SustainerAr-Razzaq
19الفتاحThe OpenerAl-Fattah
20العليمThe Knower of AllAl-`Alim
21القابضThe ConstrictorAl-Qabid
22الباسطThe RelieverAl-Basit
23الخافضThe AbaserAl-Khafid
24الرافعThe ExalterAr-Rafi
25المعزThe Bestower of HonorsAl-Mu'izz
26المذلThe HumiliatorAl-Mudhill
27السميعThe Hearer of AllAs-Sami
28البصيرThe Seer of AllAl-Basir
29الحكمThe JudgeAl-Hakam
30العدلThe JustAl-`Adl
31اللطيفThe Subtle OneAl-Latif
32الخبيرThe All-AwareAl-Khabir
33الحليمThe ForbearingAl-Halim
34العظيمThe MagnificentAl-Azim
35الغفورThe Forgiver and Hider of FaultsAl-Ghafur
36الشكورThe Rewarder of ThankfulnessAsh-Shakur
37العليThe HighestAl-Ali
38الكبيرThe GreatestAl-Kabir
39الحفيظThe PreserverAl-Hafiz
40المقيتThe NourisherAl-Muqit
41الحسيبThe AccounterAl-Hasib
42الجليلThe MightyAl-Jalil
43الكريمThe GenerousAl-Karim
44الرقيبThe Watchful OneAr-Raqib
45المجيبThe Responder to PrayerAl-Mujib
46الواسعThe All-ComprehendingAl-Wasi
47الحكيمThe Perfectly WiseAl-Hakim
48الودودThe Loving OneAl-Wadud
49المجيدThe Majestic OneAl-Majid
50الباعثThe ResurrectorAl-Ba'ith
51الشهيدThe WitnessAsh-Shahid
52الحقThe TruthAl-Haqq
53الوكيلThe TrusteeAl-Wakil
54القوىThe Possessor of All StrengthAl-Qawiyy
55المتينThe Forceful OneAl-Matin
56الوليThe GovernorAl-Waliyy
57الحميدThe Praised OneAl-Hamid
58المحصىThe AppraiserAl-Muhsi
59المبدئThe OriginatorAl-Mubdi'
60المعيدThe RestorerAl-Mu'id
61المحييThe Giver of LifeAl-Muhyi
62المميتThe Taker of LifeAl-Mumit
63الحيThe Ever Living OneAl-Hayy
64القيومThe Self-Existing OneAl-Qayyum
65الواجدThe FinderAl-Wajid
66الماجدThe GloriousAl-Majid
67الواحدThe One, the All Inclusive, The IndivisibleAl-Wahid
68الصمدThe Satisfier of All NeedsAs-Samad
69القادرThe All PowerfulAl-Qadir
70المقتدرThe Creator of All PowerAl-Muqtadir
71المقدمThe ExpediterAl-Muqaddim
72المؤخرThe DelayerAl-Mu'akhkhir
73الأولThe FirstAl-Awwal
74الآخرThe LastAl-Akhir
75الظاهرThe Manifest OneAz-Zahir
76الباطنThe Hidden OneAl-Batin
77الواليThe Protecting FriendAl-Wali
78المتعالThe Supreme OneAl-Muta'ali
79البرThe Doer of GoodAl-Barr
80التوابThe Guide to RepentanceAt-Tawwab
81المنتقمThe AvengerAl-Muntaqim
82العفوThe ForgiverAl-'Afuww
83الرؤوفThe ClementAr-Ra'uf
84مالك الملكThe Owner of AllMalik-al-Mulk
85ذو الجلال و الإكرامThe Lord of Majesty and BountyDhu-al-Jalal wa-al-Ikram
86المقسطThe Equitable OneAl-Muqsit
87الجامعThe GathererAl-Jami'
88الغنيThe Rich OneAl-Ghani
89المغنيThe EnricherAl-Mughni
90المانعThe Preventer of HarmAl-Mani'
91الضارThe Creator of The HarmfulAd-Darr
92النافعThe Creator of GoodAn-Nafi'
93النورThe LightAn-Nur
94الهاديThe GuideAl-Hadi
95البديعThe OriginatorAl-Badi
96الباقيThe Everlasting OneAl-Baqi
97الوارثThe Inheritor of AllAl-Warith
98الرشيدThe Righteous TeacherAr-Rashid
99الصبورThe Patient OneAs-Sabur


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